DV Sridhar

DV Sridhar, B.E., MTech in Engineering (IIT), Diploma in Yoga (KYM), CYT, E-RYT 500 worked in the corporate world for over 15 yearsbefore becoming a Yoga teacher over 25 years ago. After completing a Diploma in Yoga from the KYM (Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram), he was a Yoga Therapist for 12 years and the Director of Yoga Studies at the KYM. During his tenure, Sridhar organised many seminars for international students on a variety of subjects. His responsibilities included training teachers/therapists by conducting two-year post-graduate courses in Yoga.

Sridhar has travelled widely to countries such as Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia and South Africa, training Yoga teachers and therapists. He has been a full-time Yoga teacher/therapist/teacher trainer at his Registered Yoga School (RYS), Yoga Raksanam in Chennai, India since 2002.

For Yoga Therapy International's CYT 1000 program, Sridhar teaches Yoga Philosophy, Therapeutic and Teaching Skills, and Providing Private Yoga Therapy in Chennai, India.

Contact Sridhar at info@yogaraksanam.com